SIDE DISHES: The Cast and Crew dish about their experiences on the set of Chasing Taste.
![]() This is your first feature film; describe how you became interested in acting and how you became part of Chasing Taste? Well, like most reality tv alumni, failed wanna-be supermodels, I decided acting was a spectacular way to keep myself quasi-famous while allowing a smidge more carbs into my life. :) I also love playing make believe, and creating characters and the acting community embraces such quirks while most others offer me therapy and meds. Is there anything special or noteworthy that you did to prepare for this role that the audience should know? YES! I signed up for the BIKRAM YOGA 30 day challenge, bought a magenta yoga mat, some new lululemon attire, and downloaded some awesome yogi tunes to my i-pod. I lasted through two sweaty classes before the smell of the 1970’s rug got to me and my now forever tainted yoga mat. 2 out of 30 isn't so bad right? I also temporarily lifted my boycott on Dunkin Donuts for listing their caloric contents- in plain view for all to see- and once again indulged in regular half-dozen helpings of boston crème donuts when feeling especially hormonal. Describe your character, and do you and your character share any similarities? If so explain. We are both slightly confused, often hypocritical, moderately spoiled whiners who use sugar and the attention of men to sedate the pain that is our privileged existence. We also both wear a lot of purple and a push-up bra.